Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How to Correct a Receded Gum Line

A receded gum line is a dental condition which causes the gum to pull-off from the tooth which may later cause periodontal diseases. It is a common dental problem that occurs mostly in adults and many people ignore this condition until it is worsened. It causes too much exposure of the tooth and the tooth root. In the majority of such cases, people do not even recognize that their gums are receded. With time, this condition will not only make your teeth look ugly but may also cause tooth sensitivity towards hot and cold food items.

Gum grafting is a procedure where the dentists in Sterling takes preventive measures to protect your teeth from gum recession. It helps you in maintaining a healthy smile at its best.

If not diagnosed and treated on time, it can also cause tooth loss, and a gum grafting surgery becomes necessary to prevent that situation from arising. Gum tissue grafting is performed in three different ways depending on the specific situation.

Connective-Tissue Grafts: It is one of the most common methods used to treat teeth root exposure. In this procedure, a mouth tissue (skin from the palate) is cut down and stitched to the gum tissue surrounding the exposed root. When the tissue is removed from the palatal flap, the flap is stitched back.

Free Gingival Grafts: This method is similar to the Connective-Tissue Grafting method but in this case, a small amount of tissue is removed from the roof of the mouth and is attached to the problematic area. People having thin gums are treated by this method that also helps in gum enlargement.

Pedicle Grafts: In this method, the tissue is not extracted from the palate but from the gum around the problematic area. The flap that is also known as pedicle is only partially cut away so that one edge of the tissue remains attached. The gum is then pulled down and stitched to the tissue. It covers the exposed root and the tooth at the same time.

Dentists in Northern Virginia often give sedatives to relax their patients after the treatment. But once the treatment is completed, patients must look after their gums and follow the directives given by the dentists. Patients are often prescribed not to floss or brush near the treated area until it is completely healed.

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